Friday, December 27, 2019

Episode 2: Are You Ready to Party???

V (in front) Jungkook (behind) : the REAL DEAL

BTS "Dionysus" MMA 2019 Awards -Jungkook focus-

BTS "Dionysus" MMA 2019 Awards -Taehyung Focus


Jungkook bounds out of bed, ready for the day.


 Jungkook updates his Instagram. People ought to love JK in PJs...

Jungkook takes care of his necessary needs which includes some singing in the shower (more practice and inspiration!) and then he practices for work.


  V doesn't even get to say hello, his ride for work shows up and he is gone.

  ...time passes...

                                                                               ...and passes...

                                                            ...and passes...

 Like two ships sailing through the night, V comes home as JK goes to work.


I miss you Hyung.

  Taehyung's turn to practice for work.

  The phone rings and V answers it, on the other line is Manager Park.

Hello Manager!  Hey, what is up with...

 Listen up, I have something important to tell you.


The Partihaus Club is having a meeting tonight, and you are invited.

 I'd rather wait and go with Jungkook.

No can do.  Jungkook works too late, and you need the meet and greet for your life aspiration.

My what?!

Never mind all of that, just get down there, and join the club.  Look for the crown, she is the one in charge, Jade.

V sighs.

 Also, the only way to gain fame quicker is to be seen!!!  So get out of the house, go be seen!!!


Hi, I'm Taehyung.  Can I join your club?

 I hardly know you.  Ask me again when I know you better.

  SCREENPLAY WRITER (SPW) sighs.  *spam socials*

Hi, I'm Taehyung, can I join your club?

Absolutely!!  We would love to have you!


  SPW does self high five, one thing off of V's checklist...



Taehyung engages his Dance Machine Trait...

A Dance Off insues between Taehyung and random hat guy.

  V is killing it.

(wonders outloud to herself)

 ...but who won the dance off??? O.o

it never said


Taehyung's phone rings in his pocket.  He pulls it out to answer it.

Jungkook?  Aren't you supposed to be working?

I just got off of work, and a co-worker of mine invited us to a huge, one of a kind, party.  Are you ready to party??

I'll meet you there!


(smiles happily to self)
They dance perfectly in sync...just like the REAL DEAL. Too cute! ❤️💜❤️


  Ten seconds later...

  Jungkook falls asleep on a stone bench and starts snoring.


(muses to self)
So apparently, these special parties, do not allow you to go home. This is Forced Fun y'all.  Poor Kookie though, he worked hard all day...I guess a stone slab works in a pinch...

  Tae takes one look at Jungkook sleeping so peacefully...and joins him.



  The party goes on.


SPW many hours has it been?  I've lost track...

(muses to self again)
What time did they arrive at this party anyway?  Uh, uh, oh, I guess long enough that Kookie wakes up feeling refreshed...


JK is ready to party again, and jumps back in without missing a beat.

  V wakes up and joins him.


Suddenly, instead of feeling the need to dance, Jungkook needs to do push ups.  He promptly starts doing pushups. Tae is used to him, and doesn't even bat an eyelash.

JK jumps up after doing several minutes worth of push ups, with his phone in hand, and a triumphant smile on his face.

I recorded all of it, and now I can upload it!!


  With that, the party ends without any fanfare.  It gets a high rating, and both boys are pretty pumped from attending.

  They are even happier to go home, and get a couple more hours of sleep before work...

*ADDED NOTE 4/4/20 I have decided to add myself in as the Screenplay Writer, otherwise known as SPW...*

  Notes: I really had no idea that once you accepted an invite to that party, there was no going home until it was over!!  First Silver social for Tae!!  Yay!!

  I usually don't mess with parties...but there is Tae... *sigh*

  He needs to know a lot of people.  He needs to throw 3 parties.  At least their house has lots of things for people to do.

  I find it hard to build fame for both at the same time.  As far as I can tell, they don't lose fame?  I have been working on Jungkook's fame more than Tae's.  Once I get JK up, then I can focus on V's fame.

  Jungkook's aspiration, he needs to reach level 3 in 2 careers.  He had reached level 3 in the musician career, so I had him quit and become an actor.  I read somewhere that they gain Fame faster as an actor.  Once he gets through that, I'll have him quit and become a musician again, since that is where his heart is. <3

  I use different names intermittently.  V is Taehyung's stage name.  Jungkook doesn't have a stage name, his name is his stage name, but he has been called JK, Golden Maknae and Kookie...among many other nicknames, lol

  Mythology bit : DIONYSOS (Dionysus) was the Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness and wild frenzy. He was depicted as either an older, bearded god or an effeminate, long-haired youth. His attributes included the thyrsos (a pine-cone tipped staff), a drinking cup and a crown of ivy.

  Korean Language bit :  “Maknae” is a term referring to the youngest member in a k-pop group. “Golden maknae” is used to indicate a maknae who is basically an all-rounder, a whole package; someone who has got multiple talents and or/abilities.

  Stay tuned for the next episode!!!  Thanks for watching!!


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