Friday, December 27, 2019

Episode 1: Fame is Hard to Catch


Del Sol Valley

G.C.F in Helsinki (a film by the real deal)

  Del Sol Valley.  The sound of it, brings to mind heat and death, but MANAGER PARK swears up and down this is not true.  This is not Death Valley, but Del Sol Valley.  The who is who and the what is what, they all live in Del Sol.  Not sure if they actually believe Manager Park or not, JK (JUNGKOOK) and V (TAEHYUNG) decide to take a chance, roll the dice, and see what they can find in Del Sol.  They have nothing better to do at the moment, and if all goes well, they'll find success.

 V glances down at his phone, it only has 7 contacts in it.  Manager Park is one of them, and the other 6 belong to his brothers, well, band mates, but they might as well be brothers. The oldest five are not able to join them yet, so on this little adventure, it is only him and the youngest, Jungkook. 

We need to meet some people. 

Taehyung has to repeat himself, to get Jungkook's attention.

  With the push of a few buttons on his phone, he and JK are on their way to Studio PBP, reported to be the hottest spot in town.  Both he and Jungkook need to do some networking and get their name and talents out there, so the hottest spot in town sounds like the best spot.



  There are plenty of paparazzi around, so they know they are in the right place. Jungkook waves to them, but they ignore him, almost like they don't even see him.  Tae has to do some pretty fancy footwork to keep from getting entangled in a way too friendly sim's arms. 

V Cont... 
"Sorry! I don't hug strangers." 

He makes his way to where Jungkook is standing.

  The enthusiastic sim is still following Tae, eager to keep trying to talk to him.  Jungkook can read the panic in his brother's eyes, and smoothly intercepts.  V makes a beeline for the door to the club while JK keeps the exuberant sim occupied, only to realize...they are not famous enough to enter this club.

Only level 3 celebrities are allowed here. 

 What level am I?

  JK looks at his phone.

I have zero Fame points! And no fans???

(shocked too)
  Really?!  Let me see.

 They both look at the Jungkook's phone, and then Tae's phone, and still the statistic boldly stands there.  Zero.  For both of them.

 We have to start over?

I knew the Manager was hiding something.

(shakes head)
 This is a big something! Treachery, and from someone so close too!

He pushes some more buttons on his phone. 

JK Cont...
Looks like there is another club here, let's try that one.  It's called the Orchid A Go Go.


  They easily pass through the doors, and when they get inside, they can see why.  Not many people are there, just one lone elderly woman off in the corner talking to herself.

  Jungkook spies a microphone though, and heads straight for it. 

I'll sing a song Hyung.

As soon as he starts singing though, a gosh awful noise comes out of his throat.  He stops and stares at Tae, who is staring at him.

JK Cont...
Was that me?

Couldn't be, right?  Try it again.

  Jungkook makes the same noise.

(starts to panic)
What is wrong with my voice?

  Tae is already looking at his phone. 

It looks like your singing skill level is zero too. I guess we really are starting from the beginning!


I love your singing!  Please sing more!!

  Jungkook doesn't need to be told twice, he is always happy to make a fan happy, even if she is crazy old.  He starts to belt out some Opera.

  Taehyung notices that the club has a few more people in it.  Maybe they just arrived too early?  He pulls his phone out of his pocket to see if the club hours are posted anywhere, but he can't seem to find any.  He really wants to plug his ears so he can't hear JK's Opera, but he doesn't want to hurt his younger brother's feelings either.

  What was that old adage?  If you can't beat them, join them?  He won't be able to broadcast his voice quite as loudly as Jungkook can, still, he'd rather practice quietly and get his singing level up before approaching a microphone.

  A disturbance behind V throws him off, and he turns around to see what the big deal is.  The Big Deal turns out to be a star...of some sort.  She struts through the club, like she owns it, but she won't make eye contact with anyone.

(strikes a pose)
I'm beautiful, I know it, go ahead and take a picture.


  V is bemused.  Should he know who she is?  And what happened to Jungkook???  He was there just a few moments ago...

  Jungkook didn't even notice the could be Star.  After singing his fourth Opera, he is feeling pretty thirsty, so he decides to grab a drink.  Now that he is sitting at the bar however, he also starts to feel pretty famished.  Is there anything worth eating here?  And wait, if he has to start over with skills and fame, does that mean he has to start over with money too?

  His crazy fan had given him some money, at least enough for a drink. 

Hey barkeep, do you have a menu?

The bar tender slides a menu over to Jungkook.  The prices looked reasonable enough, but just how much money does he have anyway?  He tries to call his Manager, but she isn't answering.


So that's where you went.

Hyung, buy me food. I'm hungry.

Order what you want.

  Jungkook happily complies, and before long is munching away on several different dishes.  After filling his belly, he is surprised when a yawn comes out.  It didn't seem like a lot of time had gone by, but apparently it had.


Back at home, they head straight for bed.

JK's phone pings, and a message from Manager Park is revealed.

 Sorry, was in meeting all day.  Did you need something?


*ADDED NOTE ON 4/4/20: I took a scriptwriting class in college, and decided to convert this to a screenplay style---will update all the chapters I have posted as I get time.*

  Notes: Super short. I am undecided on a lot of things.  Undecided on what tense, undecided on length, undecided on...ah well, I'll figure it all out as I go along.

  Fame is...hard!  I even thought it might be broke for a while, but no, it is not broke, just excruciatingly slow and painful...

  The celebrities are not nice either. =(

  I'm glad I only have 2 sims to keep track of right now, that keeps me plenty busy.  Trying to keep their motives up while getting stuff done so they can get promoted at work, while trying to raise their fame while trying to fulfill their wishes while trying to work on their life aspiration...whew!!

  I have a lot of different packs/expansions that I bought that I haven't done anything with.  Last time I actually really played was when the toddlers came out...even though I keep buying things...why do I buy things I don't use??  I guess for times like these.  All of that to say, JK and V might end up going on vacation to an island, attending University, visiting Strangetown, play with magic...a whole list of things I need to try out!!!

  No toddlers for them though...not for a REALLY long time...haha

  Korean language bit---Oppa (오빠) and hyung (형) mean 'older brother', noona (누나) and unnie (언니) mean 'older sister'. However, the meaning of these terms expands much further than just your blood related siblings.  Hyung is a word used by Korean males to address another male older than them who they are close to. It can be added on to a name ("suga-hyung") or used by itself.

  Stay tuned for the next episode.  Thanks for watching! =)

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